It is Monday again.
Monday with all that entails.
The hopes and dreads.
The fresh start and the repetition of again.
Opposites colliding? Maybe.
Opposites inhabiting a shared time and space? Definitely.
We don’t live in an either / or world.
More often than not truth is found in both / and.
Black or white is not so black and white.

I love painting with black. A rainbow of hidden colors explode when water is added.
Black paintings are “hard to sell” and that is too bad because a black painting makes a statement.
The statement? Well, there will be many,
but the statement is always one of defiance.
A refusal to be defined. A refusal to be limited. A refusal to be seen one dimensionally.
It is Monday again.
The last Monday with my eldest daughter, artist and author Ruth Meharg, and her husband, artist and men’s fashion illustrator Matthew Sunflowerman Miller. They leave on their next grand adventure Wednesday. They begin in Italy. Then an island off of Africa. Then who knows.
To say that we will miss them is an incredible understatement.
To say that we are thrilled about their adventure is another understatement.
Opposite emotions residing in a single heart, a single mind.
Easy answers are cheap. Certainty is cheap.

Faith. Not knowing. Hope. Defying not knowing.
I used to believe in either / or.
I don’t any more.
I am becoming ever more intimate with both / and.