Early one morning I found a silver screw on the studio floor. It looked important so I picked it up and put it “someplace safe” so that I could find it later when I discovered what it belonged to. Screw, secure in the drawer of lost things, I sat down to work on the computer.
My “office” set up consists of a folding bar stool and a work table. The folding allows me to quickly and easily stash it out of the way. My work table is a hand crank adjustable standing table from Ikea. The sorta sitting and sorta standing combination is perfect for painting and working at the standing table. The added height is easier on my knees.
Perfect harmony.
I had an epiphany!
Not a slow motion epiphany. A spine crushing epiphany.
In an instant KNEW where the big silver screw belonged.
It had been holding my folding chair together.

I think I might be shorter now. I only remember landing.
Legs straight out in front of me, still sitting upright on the wooden seat wondering WHY I had not invested some time finding out where the screw belonged. Just me and the floor.
I was right. The screw WAS important!
The first two weeks my ribs hurt when I laughed or drove or tried to roll over. The next four weeks it hurt to ride. Last week I was able to ride pain free! (I hurt like the dickens the next day, but now WHILE I was riding!)
Perspective change?
I have a clear understanding that procrastination hurts.
May all your screws be tight.
May you follow through with the tiny details.
May all your landings be gentle.