I have a new phone. Samsung Galaxy 5j. NOT one of their exploding phones. (I HOPE!)

I have no contacts as there was an, um, altercation at the AT&T store.
Not so much an altercation as much as the clerk was really pissed that I did not purchase my phone from AT&T so EVERY SINGLE ANSWER TO EVERY SINGLE QUESTION WAS,
“I can’t do that, it is not an AT&T phone.”
Please hear the teenage snark when you read, “I can’t do that, it is not an AT&T phone.”
He was not a teenager so his snarky responses were triply irritating.
After one snarky reply, I was pissed. Surly clerk. Surly customer. BAD combination!
He did not KNOW it was not an AT&T phone when I walked in.
From the beginning he was creepy but with veiled pleasantness.
My new NOT AN AT&T phone uses a micro SIM card. While transferring the phone number from my old card to the micro card he realized I had not purchased my phone from AT&T. He has my original SIM card.
The clouds rolled in and darkness and snark descend!
Dum dum duuuummmmmmmmmmmmm.
The relationship sours.

He told me I would not be able to use the internet with my phone because, “It is not an AT&T phone.”
He told me I would not be able to use the date because, “It is not an AT&T phone.”
He told me he could not transfer my contacts because, “It was not an AT&T phone.”
I said something matching his snark followed by “What CAN I do?”
And I left.
It was not until I got home that I realized the jerk still had my SIM card.
(Jerk is a judgmental, immature name calling and yeah, JERK!)
I contacted AT&T and told them I wanted my card back.
I have not heard anything other than they really want to, “make this right and keep me as a loyal customer.”
Yeah (snarky tone) RIGHT!
Lesson Learned?
When creepy guy vibe radar goes off: DO NOT ENGAGE!

May you listen to your “gut” this week.
May your radar be true.
May your contacts stay connected.