Yesterday David (husband) and I delivered nine (maybe ten) 
paintings to Gallery 414. 
Curator Barbara Koerble and Gallery Director John Hartley will winnow the art from four artists down to present spectacularness. CENTERING ABSTRACTION exhibition runs January 27th through February 24 and includes Adam Palmer, Lael Burns, and Sophia Ceballos and myself.
The opening reception is between 6 and 9 on Saturday, January 27th. The show theme is hope. This is represented through artists color selection and the incorporation of nontraditional uses of traditional drawing techniques in the paintings.
I sincerely hope to see you there.
Bring a friend or a passel of friends. (I always wanted to use the word passel, but it just never came up before. ) Let the passels celebrate the New Year and art and hope and artists who have poured heart and soul into their work.
If celebrating with us is not doable, please invite your friends who live closer to join us. We are a friendly group of artists and the more the merrier. Tell them I would love to know how we are connected.
THERE WILL BE COOKIES thanks to up and coming bonus baby chef, Jubilee Lael.
(Trivia: Lael is an unusual name and yet daughter and fellow artist share the same name. Lael had a baby Christmas Eve so she might not be there, but we will take lots of photos for her.)
See you and/or your art supporting friends soon! Love, Gwen
PS Centering Abstraction runs through February 24th. Gallery 414 is open weekends between 12 and 5. If you are coming call me and I will meet you there for a private tour. If you just drop in, one of the artists will be there to greet you and show you around.
a few little details to entice you.