WHY Small Paintings?

 Transition 48 x 60 “
I have always made art, painted, but just over thirty years ago I shifted into a more intense artistic focus.  I studied with master painters, read books, took classes and put in my ten thousand hours (plus!)

You would think the size of the paintings would correlate with the size of my working space.  Maybe a LITTLE BIT, but mostly they correlate with the size of my life.  The space for making art now is actually smaller than it was back 20 years ago, but my life has grown exponentially.

Spring Thaw 60 x 40″

I have six children, five have spouses or significant others, a boxer/ridgeback rescue, two cats, two horse brothers, and a husband.   Chaos and complicated is the status quo.  

As family and connections have grown so has the size of my art.  Three-foot square feels petite these days.  It is not unusual for a painting to take 40 to 80 hours to complete.    And that doesn’t count the research that so often accompanies a work of art.  I am not complaining, I love what I do.  Sometimes I wonder if there is a faster, simpler way to get the same result.  So often there are layers and hours of work that in the end are hidden.   Was that time wasted?  I hope not.  I think of it like the layers of our personal lives.  So much happens.  So much transpires that is never seen on the outside, but those are the things that form the structures, the framework of our lives.  (GREAT!  I am hearing the theme song for my Grammie Hannan’s favorite soap opera, Days of Our Lives.  I did not know I knew the theme song until I type those last few words!)

 Migration 6 x 4′
So, you may wonder, what?  I think humongo-sized paintings are awesome and work in quite small spaces, but not everyone wants a humongo-sized painting in their space.

A friend shared about a small works sale she did last year after Thanksgiving.  I wondered if I was even capable of working small.

I AM CAPABLE OF WORKING SMALL!    Yesterday 6.5 x 7″  

I started the late in the summer and finished up last night just shy of midnight.  Working small is like a bag of potato chips, “you can’t eat just one.”  I devoured several proverbial bags of chips and I finished over 80 small paintings.  My husband cut the matboards for the paintings and as of just shy of midnight Saturday, November 17, 2018 I have three left.  David informed me that he will not be cutting any more mats for a while.  (If you wonder why the watercolor paintings are not matted, this is why and we will never speak of it again.)  Thank you, David, for making these little gems possible.

Hidden in the Shadows 3 x 3″
I wanted to make paintings that would fit into intimate spaces.  Paintings that could hold a space for dreams and memories.  Maybe a conversation starter.  Possibly a respite from a weary world.  A harbinger of more.  There is so much duplication in the universe.   Part of the magic of original art is that it is original.  Unique.  One of a kind.

My Heart 5.5 x 5.5″  

Each one of these paintings was loving brought into the world.  The decisions per square inch ratio of a small work of art is stunningly more intense than working large.  I learned a great deal creating them.  My hope was that they would carry that forward with them into the world, the ability to teach.

 Emergency 3 x 3″

I have beautiful small things all through my home and studio.   Maybe too many small things, but they give me a place to pause and collect my thoughts.  I have a collection of glass paperweights.  I had one and when Jubilee was little she took an interest and started collecting them.

Faeries and Frogs  3 x 3″      

She lost interest and the collection has made it’s way to my studio windowsill.  I love the variety.   I love the liquidity of something solid.  I love the colors.   I love that someone’s breath, someone’s hand, someone’s training, someone’s creativity, someone’s moment in time has traveled through time and space to rest upon my desk and inspire joy.

 Beginnings 4 x 4″

For me these objects of beauty offer a space for my mind to quiet and my heart to settle and for my spirit to heal and hear.

Strides 6 x 6″

My goal in creating these small paintings is to hold out the possibility of rest and comfort to be discovered in a small bit of beauty.

For your consideration, The 2018 Holiday Small Works Sale.

Sincerely, Gwen

Considerations 4 x 4″

PS  Please sign up for emal blog while you are there.  If you do you will be entered for a free small painting giveaway and you will receive a digital access to a painting that is perfect for holiday cards and correspondence.

Holiday Giveaway and Many Mini Paintings Sale

Once I Remembered

Typically, I spend an entire day (or TWO!) preparing an email/blog that sounds like I am riffing. And I am, but I am also sweating blood. My writing is akin to bed-head. It LOOKS happenstance, but a lot of product in involved achieving that unkempt look.  My creative process starts with a brain dump that is whittled down to something along the lines of organized chaos. Free range is a term my sister used to describe my children and my art.

Writing is easy.
Editing is hard.
Using commas properly is SO annoying!

Tidal Pool

Grammarly, a free writing tools, sends a weekly report which my competitive self finds both invigorating and infuriating! This week it congratulated me for a 22-week writing stretch. The report went on to inform me that:
You were more productive than 93% of Grammarly users.
(Nine thousand five hundred and fifty-two words.9,952 words! Dang, if I had known I was that close to ten thousand I would have tossed in another forty-eight words.)
You used more unique words than 97% of Grammarly users.
You were more accurate than 9% of Grammarly users.

TRANSLATION: LESS accurate than 91% of users. Maybe it was a good thing I lost the last draft.

(Have I ever mentioned that I majored in statistics in college?
I love exploring numbers! They try to worm their way into the art and, so far, I have successfully smacked them down.)


October was exhausting. I was on track to finally get “it” done.
Rather, I was done in.

Late summer I began creating small paintings for my first official, organized, pre-planned, thought-out holiday sale. Over fifty small paintings matted and wrapped in clear sleeves. (Pat self on the back). Paintings complete, I was gearing up for the implementation phase when a heaping helping of life whacked me upside the head.

October first I delivered a triptych to Dallas for the annual Human Rights Initiative fundraiser. Human Rights Initiative is a legal organization of volunteer lawyers and folks who assist immigrants, at no charge, who have no other options. The annual fundraiser is key to a successful year. In 2017 they served almost 700 clients. HRI vets the artists, called Storytellers, and match them with clients. They meet three times after which the artist interprets the client’s story through art. A lovely and intense process. I love HRI.

The fourth rolled around and I received an accidental phone call from my estranged father. He asked for Lou but he got me. Before he hung up on me, I was able to holler, “I love you!” into the phone several times. I am certain he heard two of those declarations. I did a happy dance. My husband looked at me and cried. It was good to hear my father’s voice. It felt like a win.


Chugga chugga choo choo!I was chugging along doing life, making art and implementing plans for the holiday sale. Chugga chugga choo choooooooo! There was even an animal blessing at church and Wesley mostly behaved.

THEN – toot toot! screeeeeeeeeech sidetrack. (I relate to the children’s book, The Little Engine That Could. It comes up OFTEN in my writing.) October the eighth my father had a heart attack and he died.


The entire month was like that-all highs and lows- no middle ground.

I was surprised by the impact of my father’s death, I felt derailed. And I felt free like there were daisies in my
– O G!!!! TOOTLE!

A Little Golden Book about the little engine who couldn’t stay on the rails. Baby trains must learn one rule, “Stay on the RAILS no matter what!” O M G!!!!! And now The Little Red Caboose song is swirling around inside my head. You know The Little Red Caboose, right? He wanted to be popular LIKE the big engine, but he wasn’t the big engine and never would be an engine. The Little Red Caboose had an inferiority complex UNTIL one day… he saved the day. His popularity came from being who he was created to be.

(Note to self, re-read train books. Take particular notice of where you have strayed from the rails, when you stayed on the rails, and when you might ought to have gotten off.)


Good LORD!The things one learns when writing.

A life philosophy pieced together from Little Golden Book train books?WOW! My Maine granddaddy, Herbert Herrick Hannan Sr., worked for the railroads. Maybe that is why we had train books? For educated people, six degrees between my parents, we had relatively few books in the house. But we had these three. And of course, I bought them for my children.

DANG! Train metaphors are in my bones.

Life is full.
Full of ups and downs and starts and screeching stops.
That is just how life is.


Let’s get BACK ON TRACK!

switched tracks late last summer and started prepping for a small paintings holiday sale.

Why? Because over the years my work larger and larger. Large doesn’t suit everyone. Since one size does not fit all I decided it would be egalitarian to give itty bitty a go. I floated these little jewels on 8” square matboard, in crystal clear sleeves, ready to frame – or not. Prices are $75 and $125. (Today I added some unmated watercolors for $50.)


Since I am four weeks behind and Chrome quit working on my computer, I am skipping the exciting emails culminating in a big reveal. (WOW!) No pre-Black Friday hoopla. (BOO?) No tension building emails and whatnot. (THANK GOD!)

I intend to run some Facebook ads. (We will see-snort.)

And by refusing to play the marketing games, I just might lose. (Tooooooooooooot! Toot.Too bad.)
And yet I already feel like I won!
The family will be arriving soon and as soon as I hit send, my focus shifts to family and the friends they bring along with them. I don’t EVEN want to think about marketing. (Last Thanksgiving I almost brought capitalism to its knees by not shopping the Friday after Thanksgiving! At least that is why I TELL myself then I feel warm and smug.)


Is it okay with you if I just skip the plan and tell you about the holiday mini-paintings? I have fifty + new paintings for the Holiday Sale. MAYBE (if I get them photographed) a few 22 x 30” experimental paintings for $500 and some unmated watercolors for $50. One size doesn’t fit all, but hopefully, there will be something for everyone who is looking.

Here is the link for the Holiday Sale.
I hope you find something you will enjoy.
Something for yourself, a loved one, or a client.

Sunshine and Roses

Please, tell three friends about the sale. (OOOH LOOK! Slipped in a little bit of marketing science. I read that if I ask you to think of two friends to share my art with you will be able to think of two friends who like art. WIN/WIN! I would appreciate your help and consideration. If you think of four friends – the more the merrier!)

I tried to take photos of the frost on the wildflowers but I left my phone in the car overnight and it froze. Touchscreen stopped working. No frosty photos. You will have to settle for mini-paintings.

I will write again before Christmas and I will let you know how the sale is going.

Greater Angels

Stay warm. Gird yourself for the wild ride that is the holiday season in the States. Celebrate the highs. Understand that the lows are part of everyone’s life (if not social media feeds.)Disappointments don’t pause for the holidays. Most of us are just doing the best we can.  SOME people are mean and their meanness is not about you.



ALMOST FORGOT! I am holding a SMALL ORIGINAL PAINTING GIVEAWAY for new subscribers to my email blog.    IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in being included in the drawing sign up for the email at www..GwenMeharg.com.
I am going to print off names and add them to my black Stetson for a drawing on Saturday, December 16, 2018. Free shipping to USA addresses.

PPS. I just thought of this. https://gwenmeharg.com/collections/small-works-for-2018/products/once-i-remembered IF your friends subscribe, I will add your name again, but you have to tell me who they are so I will know to add your name when they sign up.