
Today, as I sat down to FINALLY complete the blog I began May 8th, 2020. You remember early May? When streets and restaurants and stores and stadiums and schools were still crowded? Back when, unbeknownst to most of us, CV19 was slithering around the planet like a Klingon battleship in stealth mode? We still had delusions of being by-passing the devastation. (Grammie Hannan’s stories of the Spanish Influenza kept echoing in my head. We were not blindsided, but we still had hoped it would not be a repeat of 100 years prior.) Back before we knew what we know now?

Yeah, me neither.

When quarantine set in, I froze up, afraid that sharing the SOMETIMES technique of thinking would seem frivolous.

Memorial Day arrives and George Floyd is murdered while bystanders recorded the murder and tried to appeal to the policemen’s humanity. With everyone in quarantine, people saw the murder, right there, right in front of our eyes in our living rooms, in our bedrooms, in our bathrooms, in our kitchens. Over and over we saw George Floyd die.

Why did his death affect the world unlike so many prior killings by the police? If it had not been for the world quarantined, I do not think it would have been any different. I watched as a conservative woman on a youtube video turned her thinking 180 degrees during the recording. She went from an ALL LIVES MATTER supporter to OMG BLACK LIVES DO MATTER advocate. Her eyes were opened and she was pissed. I have no doubt that this particular white lady is not going to let go of this bone. She wants to make up for lost time and decades of ignorance.

Me, too.
I want to make up for years of ignorance followed by impotent intentions.

SO, Gwen, WHY this frivolous message when the world is in disarray?

I am glad you asked. Because as I sit with current events: marches, protests, removal of statues, and a sharp uptick in CV19 hospitalizations, I see the original intent of SOMETIMES does indeed still hold relevance.
SOMETIMES is still a helpful concept.

Up until 1:30 a.m. working on the COMPUTER.

are you familiar with @therealsambennett ?

She teaches SOMETIMES as a way to flip the script.
You are a terrible mother!
You are a fabulous mother!

It has REALLY helped me with negative self talk and thought distortions.

The last letters are flipped to remind me of the power of moderating an absolute. HOW MANY of those letters

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