Can you hear my dog barking? Try. I think you will be able to hear him all the way through the internet wires/waves/whatever the internet is.
Poor Wesley is going to have a sore throat before the day is done. What is stressing our chill selves?
This morning I learned that bees developed to use hollow trees as homes for their hives. As the number of hollow trees decreases and the number of hollow EVES increases the bees, opportunistic in the most sensible sense, have been moving into our hollow spaces.
Being on the edge of a wooded area a couple miles from a reservoir, living in a home with lots of cracks, nooks and crannies in the mortar between the bricks, the bees have found our home as cozy as we have.
We lived in peace for 16 years, the bees and us, but this year they started objecting to Peter mowing
the lawn. He has been stung twice mowing and I was stung once just walking in the front door. All of us have sprinted from the car to the front door with bees in hot pursuit.
At the Magnolia Street Festival a few Sundays back we met Ryan and George of “Honey Bee Relocation Services: Bee-friendly Hive Removals” 214 577 9562 . These guys are great. They do public education/speaking as well as bee removal. They began as hobbyist and the need was so great they started the business. They remind me of my guyss, articulate, passionate, and focused. There will be lots of eve replacement to do when they are done, but it is quite possible that I won’t be waking up to buzzing every morning when the sun rises!
Hooray for Ryan and George! Horray for bee relocation! Hooray for not being chased by bees at my front door any longer!
- Watching from a distance I was stung twice today. I guess I was not distant enough. I have a cure for bee stings. We learned it living in Poland. Forrest was eating a burger and a bee landed on it and stung his mouth. We were walking through the Bulgarian outdoor market when it happened. A vendor saw it happen and grabbed an onion and a knife and cut a big wedge from the onion. He showed us to hold it against the sting and it worked!It worked today, too.
PPS. The honey combs just keep coming! George is carving them down to fit into the rectangle honey comb holders. Darla would know what they are called. Some are very dark. Some are picture-book bright yellow. I wish we could be outside watching but they are very angry bees. I am sure they thought they were grandfathered into the house before we got here.
I am inside and my adrenaline is on high! Getting lots of painting done, and blogging is like talking to a friend so I can do this. IT IS SO EXCITING!
PPS. I am soothing my bee stung self by having cookies and green tea for lunch. I am feeling much better.